Ancient Sword

Ornate Plate / Ornate Plate (-req) / Chaos Armor / Mage Plate / War Boots / Battle Boots / Grim Helm / Grand Crown / Winged Helm
War Gauntlets / Battle Gauntlets / War Belt / Battle Belt / Pavise / Ancient Shield / Grim Shield
Lance / Pike / Bec-de-Corbin / Partizan / Martel de Fer / Battle Hammer / Divine Scepter / Rune Scepter
Executioner Sword / Ancient Sword / Rune Sword / Grim Scythe / Ancient Axe / Gothic Bow / Rune Bow / Chu-Ko-Nu

Scimitar / Short Sword / Sabre / Falchion / Crystal Sword / Broad Sword / Long Sword / War Sword
Cutlass / Gladius / Shamshir / Tulwar / Dimensional Blade / Battle Sword / Rune Sword / Ancient Sword
Two-Handed Sword / Giant Sword / Flamberge / Claymore / Bastard Sword / Great Sword
Espandon / Tusk Sword / Zweihander / Dacian Falx / Gothic Sword / Executioner Sword

Hailstone Skewer
Added 1/11/01

Current Rank: 1     Highest Rank: 1

Dire Thirst
Count PendragonX
Added 1/8/01

Current Rank: 2     Highest Rank: 1

Loath Fang
Baron Corkster
Added 11/13/00

Current Rank: 3     Highest Rank: 1

Imp Impaler
Baron Porpy
Added 11/26/00

Current Rank: 4     Highest Rank: 1

Up for trade: Account name clamsoup or clamsoup2

Raven Scythe
Baron YueFei
Added 11/21/00

Current Rank: 5     Highest Rank: 2

Up for trade: E-mail
Requests: any reasonable quote

Armageddon Stinger
Baron Becdecorbin
Added 12/2/00

Current Rank: 6     Highest Rank: 4

Soul Impaler
Baron Mortus Maximus

Current Rank: 7     Highest Rank: 5

Dread Scythe
Baron Porpy
Added 11/26/00

Current Rank: 8     Highest Rank: 6

Up for trade: Account name clamsoup or clamsoup2

Eagle Fang
Lord Aule
Added 12/26/00

Current Rank: 9     Highest Rank: 7

Up for trade: E-mail
Requests: Similar sword with same damage, but life leech

Armageddon Thirst
Lord Aule
Added 12/29/00

Current Rank: 10     Highest Rank: 8

Up for trade:
Requests: 155+ Executioner sword with leech

Scimitar / Short Sword / Sabre / Falchion / Crystal Sword / Broad Sword / Long Sword / War Sword
Cutlass / Gladius / Shamshir / Tulwar / Dimensional Blade / Battle Sword / Rune Sword / Ancient Sword
Two-Handed Sword / Giant Sword / Flamberge / Claymore / Bastard Sword / Great Sword
Espandon / Tusk Sword / Zweihander / Dacian Falx / Gothic Sword / Executioner Sword